Monday, September 14, 2020

We had a great day all together!

Math Carpet time- we worked on showing our days of school on a hundreds chart.


Ms. Hendry

Social- We did a Seesaw activity today called “What I love about my family.” As soon as I get everyone’s name’s inputted, you will be able to see your child’s work! Stay tuned!



ELA Carpet Time- We worked on writing our daily sentence and “cage word.”

Daily 5- We worked on writing today. The students started an “All About Us” book. One of the questions was “What is your birthday?” Lots of the kids weren’t sure! Please review this with them as it’s something they should probably be knowing by this age! Thanks! If they didn’t, I just pulled it up on my computer 🙂

Phys Ed- We went outside and tried our cat and mouse game as a big class!

Talking Circle- We shared our names and what we did this weekend.

Home Time