Thursday, September 17, 2020

Math Carpet Time- Isabelle was our helper today.


Math Centres- We are getting close to knowing all of our math centres so we can start giving the kids choice in what centre they will choose. Eventually when the students are working on centres, that is when I will be pulling kids to work with them and assess/evaluate where they are at!

Twitter/Snack- If you are on Twitter, don’t forget to check out our Twitter handle @mrsmaleysclass

Science- We went outside today and took pictures of living/non living things. We then came back and worked on a Seesaw assignment where they categorized pictures into living/non-living.



ELA Carpet Time

Daily 5- We learned how to “Listen to Reading” today. The students learned about books on mp3 and the app Epic where it will read to them.

Ms. Hendry

Home Time

*Reminder that if anyone has any stationary or cards at home that they don’t use anymore, we would love to use them for our class! Thanks!