Thursday, October 8, 2020

Math Carpet Time


Math Centres- we learned a few new centres again today. The students really seem to be enjoying these and they seem to be really on task while I am pulling small groups at my desk. If only they knew they are learning while they play! 🙂

Number Bingo- The students had a chance to play number bingo! I showed them the written word number, gave them 10 seconds to read it, and then I read it for them and they covered it if they had it! By the third round, some of them were really recognizing the number words!



ELA Carpet Time

Daily 5 Centres- I started reading testing today!

Phys Ed- We learned how to forward roll/somersault and just the beginnings of a backwards roll.

Health- The students shared two pages from their All About Me booklet today.

Home Time

*The students are very excited about their “ticket” that I gave them today. It’s the only clue they have about what is happening tomorrow 🙂