Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Math Carpet Time- Alexis was our helper today


Math Centres- I started working with students on “Number Sense” rather than patterning today. The students practiced counting by 1s, 2s, and 5s. If you know your child doesn’t know how to skip count in these ways, now would be a great time to practice this in the car or before supper etc!


Social Studies- We moved on in history in our First Nation’s unit. We talked about Treaties today. We talked about how the government and First Nations people entered into a promise that was meant to last as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the river flows. We talked about what the government/Europeans thought they were getting out of the Treaty (peace from FN, land) and what the First Nations/Indigenous people thought they were getting from the government (education, healthcare, and food rations). The students pretended they were living during that time and they were asked to be the official flag designer for Treaty 4. They got to design their own flag that would represent the Treaties. They are beautiful!

We even got to check out the Treaty 4 flag that is flying on our flag pole.



Mrs. Maley had an appointment this afternoon, so there was a substitute!

ELA Carpet Time

Daily 5 Centres

Ms. Hendry

Home Time

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