Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Math Carpet Time- Gabby was our helper today.


Talking Circle- Isabelle’s warm and fuzzy circle for the star of the week.


Ms. Hendry

Science- We finished our playdough life cycle project today.


Lunch- Just a reminder that healthy lunches look different, but examples of healthy lunches might be: a sandwich, leftovers from supper the night before, bagel/bun, crackers with meat/cheese, etc. Please try and send lunches that would fill your child up with “the good stuff” and then we don’t mind if there are little treats for the extras. It is also SO important that your child has a water bottle each day. The water fountains are turned off, and SOMETIMES we have little dixie cups beside the water fountain for the kids that forgot, but most days there isn’t.

ELA Carpet Time

Daily 5 Read to self- We made it to 7 minutes of stamina

Word Work- The students played sight word Bingo today.

Listen to Reading

Phys Ed- Instead of going to the gym today, we worked on balancing through yoga in the classroom. The students tried out 5 different poses to see if they could balance.

Health- We read a children’s book about bullying and then they acted out some scenarios.

Home Time