Monday, November 9, 2020

Math Carpet Time- Ryus is our helper today.

Notes/Mail- If your child forgot to send back their red math duotang, and they had homework this weekend, please send it tomorrow!

Math Centres- We learned two new centres today; a matching numbers one, and one that helps with the transition from 29, 59, 19 etc. to 30, 60, 20. It is called “Cross the Decade.”


Makerspace- The students were challenged to make something “useful” during our Cardboard Makerspace today.



ELA Carpet Time

Daily 5 Centres- We added a new work on writing centre today, and a new Word work centre.

Phys Ed- The students worked on their overhand throwing today and we played a game.

Health- The students made a Venn diagram with healthy/unhealthy things.

Home time

*Tomorrow your child will be receiving a poppy in honour of Remembrance Day. Please send a monetary donation if you feel so inclined.

**Wednesday will be a day off of school.

*** Parent/Teacher conference online sign up