Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Math Carpet Time- Hannah was our helper today.


Math Centres- We were actually able to start math centres today, and I was able to pull a few kids for small group instruction! Today I worked with some of the kids who needed a bit of practice on writing their numbers correctly.


Centres- play centres day. I pulled some kids for letter/sound knowledge. Please be practicing these letters and sounds at home!



ELA Carpet Time-

Daily 5- We learned a few new work on writing and read to self centres. We will be building stamina in all these areas as a class.

Phys Ed- We went outside to play a hopping game. We called in Shark Attack

Health- We watched a little mini video about What is a Community?

We then talked about how we, as a classroom, are a community. We decided that even though we are part of a community, we can still have differences! We celebrated those.

Home Time

*I am still going to put out a call for stationary! If you have any letterhead or cards at home that you could donate, we would love to have them!